Category: Leadership

  • Celebrating Women’s History Month

    Last month Dave sat down with two guests in honor of Women’s History Month. The first was DelCor CEO Loretta DeLuca, to talk about her experience at the recent Women’s […]

  • First Steps With AI: Don’t Lose Your Head, Use It

    There has been a lot of chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) recently. If you’ve been following the conversations at all, you’ll likely have been flooded with a whirlwind—or maybe more […]

  • Being a Better Boss (IT and Beyond)

    Dave is Joined by Joe Mull, host of Better Boss Now podcast and author of  Employalty: How to Ignite Commitment and Keep Top Talent in the New Age of Work.  They discuss ways […]

  • Dave Gets All Worked Up About Technology

    Dave goes solo on this episode of Reboot IT and he has a lot to say about our technology habits. 

  • AMS Fest Takeaways

    Dave is joined by Susie Hudacheck, Senior Consultant at DelCor, to discuss Thier main takeaways from this years AMS Fest. 

  • TEC 22 Top Takeaways

    Dave is joined by Juan Sanchez,  Chief Information Officer at Inteleos, to discuss the highlights of ASAE’s Technology Exploration Conference. 

  • Being a CIO: Ideal vs Reality

    Dave is joined by CIO Chris Kasmark, to talk about the relationship between the CIO and the the full leadership team. 

  • The Inside Scoop on TEC22

    Dave is joined by Reggie Henry, Chief Information & Engagement Officer at ASAE, to get an inside scoop on the upcoming Technology Exploration Conference.

  • Checking in on the Voice of the Member

    Dave is joined for the second time by PropFuel CEO and co-founder Dave Will to check back in on the voice of the member. 

  • All Worked Up About IT Project Failures

    Dave goes solo this episode to talk about IT project failures. He breaks down the four major themes that contribute to projects not being as successful as they should be.