Category: Leadership
Bonus Edition: A Look Back at 2019
Dave is joined by association technology partners in crime Loretta DeLuca and Brian Sheehan for a brief look back at 2019.
Bonus Edition: AMS Fest and TEC 19
A quick update with DelCor’s Gretchen Steenstra on AMS Fest and a TEC 19 preview.
Bonus Edition: Reboot IT Stand Up
The Reboot IT Stand Up is a brief discussion on a hot topic and a chance for Dave to respond to podcast feedback. In this episode, Dave discusses the rebranding […]
How Technology Affects the Way We Work
From working remotely to wondering if a robot will take over your job, Dave explores how technology changes the way we work now—and how it will in the future.
Gretchen Steenstra Joins AWTC Board of Directors
DelCor Strategic Consultant, Gretchen Steenstra, has joined the newly-formed Board of Directors of the Association Women Technology Champions (AWTC)—a group she helped found three years ago. An all-volunteer group, AWTC […]
Why “Reboot IT”?
So, we’ve got this cool new podcast, but how did we come up with that title? Dave explains what rebooting IT means to DelCor.
DelCor Past, Present, and Future
Host Dave Coriale sits down with Loretta DeLuca and Brian Sheehan to discuss DelCor and the changing association technology world.
The Importance of Standards in Digital Transformation
It may sound counter to what you might imagine is true, but you have to standardize before you can innovate. If each department of your association has its own standards, […]