Category: Digital Workspace

  • Keeping Up With Microsoft: Piloting CoPilot

    Dave sits down with DelCor’s Chief Technology Officer, Chris Ecker; they discuss everything you need to know about Microsoft CoPilot.

  • Customer Data Platforms – What? Why? and When?

    Dave enlists the help of Colleen Scollans to explore Customer Data Platforms (CDP). Listen in and find out why CDPs are gaining traction in the 501c community and whether or […]

  • IT Maturity: Lessons Learned Over the Last 15 Years

    Over 15 years ago, we developed The 501(c) IT Maturity Model™ (ITMM) to help associations and nonprofit organizations align their IT with their business goals by measuring the effectiveness of the four […]

  • AMSFest and Bootcamp Festivities

    Dave is joined by Norma Castrejon, Senior Consultant at DelCor, and Gretchen Steenstra, Client Strategy Director at DelCor. The DelCorians discuss AMSFest and share the keys to success you should […]

  • AMS vs. CRM: Choosing the Right Fit For Your Organization

    A common question that surfaces when we’re working with clients on system selection projects is whether they need an association management system (AMS) or an enterprise-level customer relationship management (CRM) […]

  • The Godfather’s Warning: What Does Geoffrey Hinton’s Resignation Mean About the Future of AI?

    Recently, Geoffrey Hinton—a key figure in the development of artificial intelligence (AI)—announced his resignation from Google. The news has shocked many in the technology industry and caused us to contemplate […]

  • How to Handle Staff Who Fall for Phishing Emails—Putting Your Association at Risk

    Do you ever wonder why some people consistently fail cybersecurity awareness tests? How do they fall for phishing emails time and again? What does it take to get them to […]

  • First Steps With AI: Don’t Lose Your Head, Use It

    There has been a lot of chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) recently. If you’ve been following the conversations at all, you’ll likely have been flooded with a whirlwind—or maybe more […]

  • Revisiting AI Part 2

    Dave continues his important conversation with Jeff De Cagna, executive advisor for Foresight First LLC, about artificial intelligence and how it effects us as humans and our communities. 

  • Revisiting AI Part 1

    Dave sits down with Jeff De Cagna, executive advisor for Foresight First LLC, to talk about artificial intelligence’s increasing role in our work and day to day lives.