Author: matrixsuperadmin

  • Data, Data, and More Data

    Dave is joined by DelCor strategic consultant, Dan Hickey—from the DelCor Chicago office—for a discussion on association data governance and maturity.

  • Cybersecurity: Where Are We?

    Dave is joined by DelCor cybersecurity expert, Dan Lautman, for a check-in on the state of cybersecurity and cybersecurity assessments for associations.

  • The IT Whisperer: Bridging the IT/Business Unit Gap

    Dave is joined by Artesha Moore from the American Geophysical Union for a discussion on successfully setting expectations between an organizations’ business units and IT.

  • Kickin’ Off Season 2

    Dave kicks off the new season of Reboot IT as he did with the first, by having his partners in crime Loretta DeLuca and Brian Sheehan join the podcast for […]

  • Technology Considerations for Moving to a Virtual Office

    The COVID-19 crisis has forced many organizations to move to a virtual office on a temporary or indefinite basis. These organizations have leveraged digital workplace tools to get work completed, communicate, and […]

  • Digital Journeys

    Dave welcomes Joanna Pineda, CEO & Chief Troublemaker at Matrix Group, for a discussion on digital journeys. Joanna mentions a member journey and user persona template during the conversation.  You can download […]

  • DelCorians Discuss ASAE Annual

    Dave met with a group of DelCor team members at the end of each day of ASAE’s Virtual Annual Meeting & Expo to discuss the event.

  • What’s the CEO’s Technology Role?

    Dave is joined by AHLA CEO, David Cade, to explore what role the CEO plays in association technology management. 

  • What is the IT Director’s Role?

    Dave is joined by Adam Kuhn, Director of Information Technology at FIA, for a discussion on the role of the association IT director.

  • Returning to the Office: What Does it Mean?

    Dave is joined by John Lugar, Samantha Fisher, and Stephen Powers from TRANSWESTERN for a discussion on returning to the office after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Guest contact info:John LugarExecutive Vice President, Occupier Solutions202.775.7033 Sam […]